Hello – apologies for the late post for this week – but let’s consider the below today. By the way, does the word ‘strange’ sound strange to you when it
Hello there! Let me start our blog of today with the below piece I got at https://upjoke.com. The keys to success in life: Don’t tell everything to everybody. If you
Clayton W. L. Mwaka, a Ugandan chartered accountant and motivational speaker with 24 years of diverse experience, specializes in business administration, international consultancy, and lecturing. He advocates for personal empowerment through balanced living, qualitative leadership, and paradigm shifts, aiming to unlock individual potential globally.
Hello there! I do hope you are enjoying the remaining hours of this weekend that is fast running away. Let me dispatch this blog post before another busy week commences.
Hiya! Hope you have enjoyed or are still enjoying your weekend. I thought I should break the seriousness in the bog topics a bit and do something light today. We
I guess you are very conversant with what stars are, aren’t’ you? In the words of Robert H. Schuller, ‘Elect the best, no matter the tag.’ Star employees have unique
I’m back again after skipping last week’s post due to too many movements and hardly time to sit down and write something serious – my sincere apologies. Let us proceed
Today I would like to direct some attention to the aspect of company directors or board members. Many private companies globally sometimes appoint directors with very little knowledge of the
Now, first and foremost my apologies for being off the radar last weekend. I guess many of you my fans must have really missed the weekly blog. Occasionally circumstances beyond
Today we are going to quickly take a look at the difference between leadership and management. Oftentimes these two words are interchanged while talking about business or enterprise, simply due
Let me now proceed with the second part of my critical lessons from Steve Jobs. I believe you must have enjoyed reading the first part, and are looking forward to
Have you ever wondered why some entrepreneurs are described as successful entrepreneurs? Do you dream of your business that you are labouring so much to build, to one day be
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash Hello there! Have you ever considered some of the valuable and very essential things you need to be successful in your entrepreneurship endeavors? Quoting
Another great week has slipped by. This is a new opportunity for our weekly posts and consideration of some pertinent enterprise or business management issues. I candidly do hope that
It’s always a pleasure connecting with various people through this blog, whether they are fans or new comers discovering this blog through any means. You are warmly welcome. Our goal
Today let’s talk a little bit about money. The issue is that the majority of people start businesses, at whatever level and size, with the main aim of making gain
Recently I was reading Robert H. Schuller’s book entitled ‘The Be Happy Attitudes’ on a flight, and I came across the Possibility Thinker’s Creed. Candidly, I thought that was a