Hello – apologies for the late post for this week – but let’s consider the below today. By the way, does the word ‘strange’ sound strange to you when it
Hello there! Let me start our blog of today with the below piece I got at https://upjoke.com. The keys to success in life: Don’t tell everything to everybody. If you
Clayton W. L. Mwaka, a Ugandan chartered accountant and motivational speaker with 24 years of diverse experience, specializes in business administration, international consultancy, and lecturing. He advocates for personal empowerment through balanced living, qualitative leadership, and paradigm shifts, aiming to unlock individual potential globally.
Ever heard about ‘execution culture’? May be or not. Simply stated, the execution culture in an enterprise is that culture of action, accountability and responsibility. It is the culture of
Hello there! I do hope you are enjoying the remaining hours of this weekend that is fast running away. Let me dispatch this blog post before another busy week commences.
I guess you are very conversant with what stars are, aren’t’ you? In the words of Robert H. Schuller, ‘Elect the best, no matter the tag.’ Star employees have unique
Today I promise to be very brief, and you should pray for me that I keep my promise. Agreed? I would like to simply share with you some information from
Now, it appears that for the majority of enterprises, the topic or element of debt or receivables is one that cannot be avoided. I’m talking about debt in the aspect
Let us today revisit the issue of cash in the business. Of course cash is a very important factor in business and also in personal and family life. If you
Another great week has slipped by. This is a new opportunity for our weekly posts and consideration of some pertinent enterprise or business management issues. I candidly do hope that
Today let’s talk a little bit about money. The issue is that the majority of people start businesses, at whatever level and size, with the main aim of making gain
Welcome once again. Being the second part of this article, today I would like to briefly consider the major production resources, and try to bring out productivity issues regarding them.
Welcome once again! I promised not to miss blogging this weekend, so that I deny you the opportunity of complaining about the missing blog post. Of course I know not
Welcome once again to the Wise Entrepreneur blog. We are back to business growth and expansion today, after our last discussions about tax planning. In our last blog on business
Hey there! How are you today? My expectation is that you are enjoying another terrific weekend. Sorry if you are not. It’s again time to talk about human capital related
Welcome once again, and let’s consider the aspect of business profitability and loss making today. Often times we hear people talk about business profits and losses, and we assume that
My dear Entrepreneur, you will have to accept my apologies one more time for missing the post last week. I know that many of you my fans must have felt
Welcome once again! Let me communicate something about business plans today. I know that there are many entrepreneurs out there who have started and developed businesses without any elaborate and
Hiya! You are warmly welcome once again. Let’s talk about hiring staffs today. I pretty much know that being an entrepreneur, you are always in the business of hiring (and
Image by SparrowsHome from Pixabay Welcome back once again to the Wise Entrepreneur’s blog. A big hug to all our fans, and a warm welcome to all those that are new to this